Outside/In Coaching

An Anthropology-Based

Executive Development Path

Outside/In Coaching

Shifting your perspective from inside/out to ‘outside/in’

Disrupting traditional coaching approaches

that focus primarily on the Inside first, based on individual perspectives and psychological techniques.

Beginning with the Outside context and perspective

cultural spoken and unspoken behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, and group norms (team, departmental, organizational).

Treating organizations and teams as cultures

addressing behaviors based on observations and data collection (shadowing, 360 feedback, interviews, etc.).

Increasing leadership impact

across entire organizations, teams, and communities by setting consistent expectations and rewards.

Coaching Process

Anthropology is the study of people in groups with the methodology of participant observation.

Developing and applying these skills to your leadership practice can yield transformative results in your teams and organizations. 

Observing your Culture

Shifting your perspective from Inside/Out to “Outside/In.”

reflecting inward

Receiving feedback, gathering data, experimenting, and taking action.

Connecting your leadership

Applying effective goals and strategies to build united teams.

Maintaining your Culture

Sustaining consistent leadership behaviors and follow-through for results.