Welcome to Your Website!
Your site is built using Divi- a state-of-the-art builder. You can find tutorials on items specifically used to build your site here.
The Divi Builder is easy to use but might require some practice. KMDD is always available for edits. Contact Karen for the latest KMDD Maintenance Fee Schedule.
Before attempting any major edits, perform a backup of your site using Updraft link at the top of your screen. Siteground hosting keeps daily backups of your site as well.
Divi Builder Basics
A Word About WordPress and Divi
Your site is built with WordPress.
It is created using the Divi Theme.
WordPress.org is free open source software. It is also the platform of choice for over 39% of all sites across the web. https://wordpress.org/about/
Do not confuse it with WordPress.COM which is a hosting platform for WordPress. If you’re interested, read more about that here: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/self-hosted-wordpress-org-vs-free-wordpress-com-infograph/
Divi is a WordPress page builder made by Elegant Themes and the (self proclaimed) most popular WordPress theme In the world. It is the “bones” that your website is built upon. KMDD has been using WordPress exclusively since 2008 and Divi exclusively since 2014.
In December 2018 WordPress launched a major update of its software and became a page builder with some similarities to Divi but not nearly the power or options. Because your site is built with Divi, and the classic WordPress editor is much easier to use, your site has the WordPress Gutenberg Builder disabled.
If you search WordPress.org documentation you may find differences in how your backend works since current documentation is geared towards the latest version of the Gutenberg builder. If you feel that you would like to use this new builder, please send a request to KMDD and we will enable the new builder.
Creating a Practical Insights Blog Post (Divi Builder not used)
Add a Title
Save Draft at any time during your composing process, or if continuing at a later date, in the Publish box (right sidebar).
Create your post text
Scroll back up to the Editor. Copy your post content from your original word document, or if needed, from the Forbes online article. Paste into the Text tab (upper right). If you paste into the Visual Tab you risk bringing in unwanted style code with your text. You will not be using the Divi Builder, so ignore that big purple button.
After you paste your article into the Text tab, click back into the Visual Tab and adjust any line spaces, or text formatting. The WP-Editor has a small menu of tools similar to any text editor, bold, italic, lists, etc. There is a text formatting dropdown menu for built in styles in the far left tool menu. Most text will be formatted as “paragraph”. Never use the Heading 1 (H1) for any titles or subtitles within your article. This is reserved for the article title for SEO best practice. To use a header format for a subtitle on the page, title text needs to be on it’s own line. Use Header 2 and Header 3 for best practice.
Choose the category (right sidebar)- Practical Insights.
Add a Featured Image.
Visit 123rf.com for a repository of inexpensive stock images. $47 buys 40 credits. Images for blog post featured images are only 2 credits (download Size Small). If you are using an image downloaded from 123RF there is no need to worry about the image size. If you are using an image from another source be sure that your image is 849px wide, 565px high at 72dpi. Images should be RGB jpg.
Save Draft and click Preview Changes to review your post. If you are satisfied with your post, close the preview window.
Publish your post. You can even set a date to publish in the future- add you date in the Publish on area.
Sending a job for translation
After Post has been completed, go to Dashboard>WPML>Translation Management
1. Select items for translation
Click the check to the left of the post and scroll down to:
2. Select translation options
Choose “Assign to Translator”
Click “Add to Translation” button
Scroll back up and click the “Translation Basket” tab
Choose Bira from the Translator dropdown (at bottom)
Click the “Send all items for translation” button
This will initiate an email to Bira from WordPress- Subject: New translation job from KLPAssociates, with the following information (Bira will click the start translating link to complete):
Dear Bira,
You have been assigned to new translation job(s):
From English to Portuguese, Brazil:
• Link to original document 48046: start translating
Need help translating? Read how to use WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor.
Yoast SEO Configuration for Cultural Project Posts
Yoast has been installed on your site.
Yoast is a great tool to optimize your site for Google.
First note that not all Posts need to be optimized. Optimize your most important ones.
Below your Post editor window you will see the Yoast configuration settings. Here are some tips to get your post to show the green smiley face!
If you follow these tips and use the SEO Analysis tool you should get the green light. Here’s more about that:
• Choose a Focus Keyword that has not previously been used. It should be listed in the title and repeated a few times throughout the post, most helpfully in the first paragraph.
Include a meta description-
What does a good meta description contain?
Here’s a list of elements you need to write a good meta description:
- Keep it up to 155 characters
- Use an active voice and make it actionable
- Include a call to action
- Use your focus keyphrase
- Show specifications when needed
- Make sure it matches the content of the page
- Make it unique
• When adding your featured and optional images, include the Focus word in the title.
• Link to an interior page on your or site
• Link to an exterior page if possible.
• Follow the readability recommendation in the SEO Analysis tool