
Studying, analyzing and implementing organizational culture

KLPA Culture for Results

At KLPA we focus on studying and analyzing organizational culture with an anthropological lens. We study the internal/subjective experience of culture by interviewing leaders and employees and collecting qualitative data. We also study objective aspects of organizational culture, such as employee demographics and diversity, and existing organizational structures (for example D&I initiatives and affinity groups, hiring and retention practices, HR policies, or other relevant systems).

KLPA Warehouse Team

We look at culture as a key success factor in improving business performance. Culture guides the values and behaviors of everyone in an organization. Aligning business strategy and execution with culture is what sets great organizations apart and leads to results.

The KLPA Culture Equation


S = Strategy, E = Execution, C = Culture

Kenneth Price, Ph.D

Kenneth Price, Ph.D

Principal / Executive Advisor

KLPA was founded in 2009 by Kenneth L. Price, Ph.D As a trained anthropologist he has been engaging with what drives people to act, think, and feel in social groups. Originally from a perspective of foreign cultures, such as studying rural dynamics in India, he recognized that transferring ethnographic insights and anthropologic studies into business settings would benefit organizational performance.

Ken has been advising organizations, from small enterprises to large multinationals, in understanding what it takes to intentionally lead and maintain culture. Through KLPA he brings together a diverse team of associates and consultants who have decades of experience in culture, diversity & inclusion, ethnographic study, data collection, data analysis, and research.


At KLPAssociates our international team and global network of consultants and culture experts work together to deliver Culture for Results to your organization.



Marloes Rozing

Marloes Rozing

USA, Netherlands


Elisa Guarido

Elisa Guarido



Juliette Austin

Juliette Austin

USA, Ghana

Senior Consultant

Christine Campione

Christine Campione



Sergio Pereira

Sergio Pereira

Brazil, USA

Senior Consultant


KLPA uses a hands-on approach that builds trust among different ranks of teams to develop open dialogues. It can reach the ‘guts’ of the organization’s culture, extracting what is unspoken.

KLPA produced for us an analytical guide on where the leadership should prioritize game-changing efforts to improve organizational performance through a more cohesive culture.

KLPA was committed to delivering meaningful changes in organizational values, norms, and behaviors.

CEO Latin America (Brazil)
Global Fortune 200 Manufacturing Company

The learning program offered to my colleagues and me by KLPA was the best training I’ve ever had in 15 years at the Company, with all the whole brain thinking.

Engineering VP, Global Multi-Billion Dollar US-based Tech Company

What you did was you invested time and energy to get to know people individually. You were part of the team. Then it kind of grew from there. You were more side-by-side than across the table from us, and it was obvious to me and my peers. I respected that. It meant that when you said something to me, you did it from a perspective of knowledge, and that’s not always the experience I have with outside consultants. 

You had a perspective that couldn’t be matched by a big-name consulting firm coming in. You knew us individually. You knew us as a team.

When I started working with you and focusing more on culture as a leader, the feedback I got was just “wow!”. Now, I wish I had done that more when I was a younger leader, had I known the power of culture.

CFO, Global Fortune 200 Manufacturing Company

Thank you for the excellent program, educational, tailored coaching and partnership with my team in our recent seminar series. The rich content [and] insightful guidance was very much appreciated. What set this apart however were your expertise in culture, skillful coaching and counseling to the group, individually and collectively.

Ken, your extensive and self-assessing approach has made you effective, well-grounded, thoughtful and artful as an instructor. An added high point is that you consistently modeled the behaviors of cultural competence from the very first introduction phone call until we said good-bye after dinner [on the last day. For me this was one of the most impressive elements you demonstrated to reinforce the learning.

Chief Diversity Officer, U.S. Fortune 100 Defense Company